A lot's happened since graduation. I've changed jobs 4 times, celebrated my 22nd birthday, was on national TV, and spent one exhausting/ fantastic weekend in October reliving college at Alumni weekend.
I've gotten rid of my little red jeep Lucy, moved back home to live with Paula and Ray and spent countless hours watching CSI re-runs during my stint as a member of the unemployed. I've hugged MK and Ashley Olsen and watched Kelly Clarkson from backstage in the pouring rain. I've gallivanted at the Cape, in Boston and all over New York City. I even went of my very first business trip.
I've made new friends and lost touch with old ones. I've spent countless hours laughing, texting, bbming and emailing "paradise", "trifecta", and everyone else in my phone book. I've been kissed by a stranger on the subway, gone on a few dates---none of which have worked out, but i'm not discouraged. It's our year TKH and KMC!
I've read approximately 30+ books, broken 3 cell phones, cooked 7 baked bries, hosted 2 Holiday parties and attended 31 birthdays. I've gone on 2 family vacations, countless happy hours and have begun the process of looking for my very first apartment. It's all been fantastic.
I started blogging as a way to keep in touch with people from college. I graduated a year ago this weekend and as I sit in bed sniffling with another cold, I'm feeling nostalgic. In honor of that weekend, I'm gonna go put on my cap and my tassle and flip through my pictures. It's been a crazy year with too many things to include in this blog. Good luck to the new graduates. The first year won't be easy, but it's SO worth it.
Class of '09
doody! I am one of the friends you lost touch with. Make plans with me.