Sunday, July 11, 2010

VIP's, Bachelorettes and New Apartments...OH MY!

Happy Sunday!

I've been in the new apartment (aka my sublet with AC) for 1 week. I LOVE IT. I'm going to be really sad to say goodbye to it in 2 months.

So far this week I've accomplished a lot. Let's discuss...

I survived the heatwave. It's been about 100+ degrees in NYC and thank goodness it's finally cooled off. There were times when I contemplated not showering, since by the time I arrived at work, I was drenched in my own sweat...gross.

I got a haircut. It had been 7 months since my last visit with Antoine...tragic.

I attended a GMA Summer Concert in Central Park with some of my favorite coworkers AC, JF and BG. The concert was AMAZING. Maybe it was sunshine, the front row VIP section (thanks to my old coworkers) or because we all looked so stunning in the drizzle, but Lee acknowledged our presence. It could have also been the fact that BG was screaming for him to wish AC a happy birthday (which he did...twice). I've said it before, and I'll say it again...Lee DeWyze= The Perfect Man.

and last but not least...

I headed back to Long Island for my cousin MV's Wine Tour Bachelorette party. Let me just say, I feel like the Khloe Kardashian of the group. At 5'6, I tower over the other girls...Check me out in the photos...I'm slouching in all of them. I love my cousin Michelle and I CANNOT wait to see her get married in August.

The Bridal Party at the first Vineyard. L-R SL, MV, JV, ME!! and KK

The entire group!!!


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